
室内设计 · 办公空间



2021/08/17 4804

《织.梦 -- WEAVING DREAMS》梦是彩色的.梦是蓝色的.梦是彩色的Dreams are colored .Dreams are blue .Dreams are white思考 / Thinking 文化的传承,是无形的?Is the inheritance of culture invisible?办公场所与生活休闲的界限在哪?Where is the boundary between office space and leisure life?年轻人的工作场所应该被重新定义?diluting stereotypes, accepting conflict, burying the study,现实与未来有多远?How far is reality from the future?概况 / General situation of本项目位于无锡。无锡,简称“锡”,古称新吴、梁溪、金匮,是江苏省地级市,国务院批复确定的中国长江三角洲的中心城市之一、重要的风景旅游城市。zosee则是无锡本地一家非常知名童装企业,他们现有的办公空间和现在企业发展的速度,以及现有的员工对办公空间的需求已经完全不匹配了。业主找到我们肆境对现有的办公空间改造。诉求 / Appeal1.打开现有的封闭空间Open the existing enclosed space2.符合未来两年企业发展的诉求 Meet the demands of enterprise development in the next two years3.满足现在后浪们办公生活的习惯Meet the office life habits of the current generation4.具有艺术性与美感It has artistic quality and aesthetic feeling5.如何打破工作与生活的界限How to break the boundary between work and life 6.符合企业组织架构变革以及引导工作习惯的改变Conform to organizational structure change and guide work habits change梦 . 蓝色 / Blue.Dream 如果用一个颜色去代表童年,对于客户来说一定是蓝色的,蓝色充满着梦幻与未来If a color is used to represent childhood, it must be blue for customers. Blue is full of dreams and the future织梦可以解读成:编织梦想 编织希望 编织幸福 编织美好童装行业本就是传递美好幸福的行业,带着妈妈对孩子的爱,里面有美好,有幸福,有希望,有梦想打开 / Open打开原本封闭的的空间,鼓励年轻的后浪们多互动,多沟通,所以在空间上尽可能的打开,设立了更多的交流和风暴区,以及移动办公的空间,空间可以自由组合,让空间有更多的可能性,让工作有更多的可能性Open the originally closed space and encourage young backwater to interact and communicate more. Therefore, open the space as much as possible, and set up more communication and storm areas, as well as mobile office space. The space can be combined freely, so that the space has more possibilities and more possibilities for work艺术 / Run for future一个仿佛从画中流出的蓝,是设计师原创的艺术,柔软的布,在午后阳光的照耀下显得格外的宁静,祥和。让人安静,让人思考,更显出原创精神与企业文化交相呼应。A blue seems to flow from the painting, is the designer's original art, soft cloth, in the afternoon sunshine under the sun appears particularly quiet, peaceful. Let a person quiet, let a person think, more show the original spirit and corporate culture of the echo.梦 . 白色 / White.Dream 员工都是在爱做梦的年纪,在这么快节奏的办公空间里需要有个地方让自己慢下来,需要有自己 思考 . 沉思 . 冥想的地方。阳光是最好的装饰材料,阳光倾洒下的空间,显得格外沉静。Employees are at a dreamy age. In such a fast-paced office space, they need a place to slow down and think for themselves. A place for contemplation. Sunshine is the best adornment material, the space that sunshine pours to fall, appear all the more calm. blue seems to flow from the painting, is the designer's original art, soft cloth, in the afternoon sunshine under the sun appears particularly quiet, peaceful. Let a person quiet, let a person think, more show the original spirit and corporate culture of the echo.梦 . 彩色 / White.Dream 童年的梦是彩色的,可以拿起手中的彩铅去画任何美好的事物Childhood dreams are colorful, can pick up the hands of the color lead to paint any beautiful things童心 / White.Dream 员工都是在爱做梦的年纪,在这么快节奏的办公空间里需要有个地方让自己慢下来,需要有自己 思考 . 沉思 . 冥想的地方。阳光是最好的装饰材料,阳光倾洒下的空间,显得格外沉静。Employees are at a dreamy age. In such a fast-paced office space, they need a place to slow down and think for themselves. A place for contemplation. Sunshine is the best adornment material, the space that sunshine pours to fall, appear all the more calm设计师说:zosee做的是有关传递幸福美好的事情,那么我希望zosee的办公空间也传递着美好