
室内设计 · 办公空间



2021/08/17 4839

豫州之境 容沁虞城当东方大雅与现代艺术相融时聚富-显贵-透雅-明贤-应运而生Yucheng, a refreshing city in YuzhouEstern elegance blends with modern artWith wealthdignityelegance and wisdom coming into being步入售楼处大厅的第一景便是位于门厅处以榫卯为形体的高耸回廊柱在材料上 选取最贴近大自然的木色堆砌的石块 配以立体墙面饰画 统一中极具意蕴之美Wealth-overlapping mountains and riversThe first view when you step into the lobby of the sales office is what located in the foyerA towering cloister in the shape of a tenon and tenonIn terms of materials, the wood color that is closest to nature is selected, and the piled stones are matched with three-dimensional wall decorations, which shows the beauty of unity and connotation.沙盘区的宫格穹顶搭配硬朗深色石材让空间更加疏阔恢弘抽象化吊饰演绎出灵动的艺术营造诗意翩然的氛围The grid dome of the sand board areaMatched with tough dark stoneMaking space is more spacious and magnificentThe abstract pendant interprets agile art and creates a poetic and graceful atmosphere方圆之间 山水相迎单体沙盘上空 足金色的艺术装置 糅合了古老的建筑元素镂空格栅的线条与律动的光影相呼应在古典的氛围里 闲云信步Dignity- Pavilion and Real EstateSurrounded by mountains and riversAbove the single sand table, a golden art installation is a blend of ancient architectural elementsThe lines of the hollow grille echo the rhythm of light and shadowWander around in a classical atmosphere缓步至洽谈区围合而坐的洽谈空间 绰约而过的人影化为动态的符号墙面的楼宇吊灯如万家灯火只需身在其中 便已忘我Elegance-close friends and great musicWalk slowly to the negotiation areaSitting around here and watching the people passing byThe chandeliers on the walls are like thousands of lightsPeople willforgetthemselveswhen they arehere在深度洽谈区落坐视线冶游 茶香淼淼通过溯源创新的形式探究着东方文化在现代生活中的运用Sit down in the in-depth negotiation area, looking at the scenery with the scent of teaThrough the form of traceability innovationExplore the use of oriental culture in modern life儒学中所谓的“和合之美”之于现代美学讲究“融合”与“和谐”旋转楼梯处 将书法字体拆解成无数笔画把传统意识转化为一种现代语言The so-called "beauty of harmony" in ConfucianismIs "fusion" and "harmony" in modern aestheticsAt the spiral staircase,the calligraphy fonts are disassembled into countless strokesTransform traditional consciousness into a modern languag取一角楼宇藏一境风雅撷一纸书页纳一方风华真正的写意东方 真正的时代篇章Sitting in a corner of the building and enjoying the elegance herePicking up a page of the book to absorb the noble knowledgeA true description of the East, a true chapter of the times