《嫁衣的裙摆》重庆印制一厂山鬼精品酒店改造 Wedding Dress - Chongqing Mont Mirage Hotel Design

建筑设计 · 酒店建筑



2021/09/04 4618

酒店位于重庆市渝中区解放碑枇杷山印制一厂,两幢主体建筑顺应地势,一前一后,高低有序地坐落于坡地之上,直面壮美长江,俯瞰两座大桥之间的绿洲,饱览城市天际线。Hotel Mont Mirage is located at Pipashan in Chongqing City which is near Chongqing Liberation Monument. Designed by Usual Studio, the two old Chongqing No. 1 printing factory buildings were transformed into Mont Mirage hotel with novel look. Located on the slope land with spectacle, the two buildings of Mont Mirage sit on the field’s one after the other. With the privileged front view of Yangtze River, guests can have a bird’s eye view of the oasis between the two bridges and enjoy the skyline scenery. This hotel has great views, facing the Yangtze River, that guests could overlook the oasis between the two bridges and enjoy the city skyline.01.愿想与类比: 嫁衣的裙摆因场地中带有历史感的工业建筑与开阔的江景,经常会吸引崇尚个性的游客来拍摄打卡。这也提醒了设计师,结合影视文创以及既有婚纱摄影业态,可以升级打造为针对年轻化人群对于“爱情”这一主题的艺术美学空间,这一定位也呼应了山鬼Mont Mirage酒店的品牌调性。01.Wedding dressDue to the historic industrial buildings and beautiful river views in the original site, tourists who have unique style are often being attracted to visit and take pictures. This spot was even picked as one of the favorite places for wedding photo shooting. This also reminds us that the hotel design can be the combination of the filming creativity and the wedding photography industry. The original space has been upgraded to an artistic aesthetic space for the younger people with the theme of “love”, which is also in line with the brand features of Mont Mirage.新娘嫁衣舞动的裙摆是美妙的经典场景;如果我们把老楼喻成是待嫁的新娘,设计师的任务是为之设计一件合宜的嫁衣,轻盈而柔软地连接起两幢老建筑,也使得老旧厂房空间呈现出全新的面貌。The bride’s wedding dress swinging with wind is a wonderful classic scene.Picturing the old building is a pretty bride, , our task is to design a suitable wedding dress and bring the most beautiful part out. Therefore, our design concept is to use the dress to connect the two old buildings lightly and softly which makes the old factories have a fresh look.薄壳结构与金属幕墙构成的“裙摆”创造出一层集合酒店接待、休憩与多功能厅的开放服务空间,漂浮为顶,下落为幕,抬升为厅,下沉为梯,旅客可以在裙摆之上游走,形成一条多变的观景路径,还原了山城的空间体验。The “wedding dress” is made up of cement shell structure and metal curtain wall. This design creates an open space that includes hotel reception, rest space and multifunction rooms. Guests can walk down the path shaped by the structure which making guests to enjoy changing views at different places. The varied space views and experience is what we want to present and bring to the guests, just like the space activity experience in the natural mountain city.02.新旧对话老厂房的更新设计既有大刀阔斧式的创造性改变,也有小心翼翼的历史记忆保留,新旧并存。新建的部分如同画布,白净轻盈;与粗粒的老墙面或裸露的水泥梁柱相互对比烘托着。设计师试图创造一种情境:身处酒店,既能感知改造后的当代美学,也能回忆起老厂房作为工业遗存的历史美学。02.Old and NewWe use two methods for reconstruction. One is a new changes, bold and creative. Another is to keep the history part so that both new and old could exist. The new part is like a white canvas, pure and gentle, which contrast sharply with the coarse old wall and the bare cement beam. We tried to create a situation that being in a hotel, guests can feel the vitality and sense of contemporary aesthetics for the reconstruction and recall the historical beauty of the old factory as well.厂房青砖立面有较好的历史与美学价值,在保护性修复之余,仍然作为建筑立面使用,设计师认为她不仅仅是一种岁月的仪式感,更希望再度赋予生命,可以触摸,可以感知四季的变迁。There is good historical and aesthetic value in the facade of the factory.Therefore, after the protective restoration, the brick is still used as a building facade.We believe that the facade not only present a dignified sense brought by years , but also to convey the idea that every aging brick can still feel the season changing and the time slipping.北侧的后院是一个浑然天成的诗意空间,老墙上的爬山虎还有那一砖一瓦都是历史的记忆,尤其是万缕阳光穿过茂密枝叶洒下的斑驳光影更是自然与岁月赐予的财富,设计师希望延续的,是它的故事,它的独一无二。The backyard on the north side is a natural poetic space.The ivy and the brick on the old wall are traces of history. When the sun shines through the leaves, the mottled light and shadow is the wealth given by the years and nature. We want to preserve the uniqueness of this space.03.光影礼赞“光”,我们视为一种不可或缺的设计素材,自然的亦或是人工的,恰到好处的设计能让光影不止于功能,更能创造精神意境里的愉悦。例如中庭水院的采光天井和礼堂的屋顶天窗不仅补充了照明,细长而有序的几何形态还勾勒出抽象的光影矩阵,引领心灵通往星辰。03.Light and ShadowWe consider “light” as an indispensable design material, including natural light or artificial light.The right design allow the light and shadow to be more than functional, and to create the pleasure of the spirit.For example, the lighting patio of the Atrium Court and the roof skylight of the auditorium not only complements the lighting, but the slender and orderly geometry also outlines the abstract light and shadow matrix, leading the desire longing for stars exploration.04.诗意的栖居设计师将酒店定义为一个微型的山水城市,同时也充满了栖居的艺术。在这里可以闲散的游走于大堂和水院之间,置身艺术礼堂,感受别样光影。当夜幕降临,华灯初上,在屋顶的无边泳池里一边畅游一边拥抱城市夜景;04.In the ArtWe define the hotel as a miniature landscape city. Guests can take a leisurely walk between the lobby and the courtyard, and stay in the art hall to experience the mixture light and shadow. Lights are on when the night falls, guests get a city night view while swimming in the superb rooftop pool.回到客房,可以不拉上帘子,只为枕着长江之景入眠。落成后的山鬼酒店由老厂房蜕变而来,融合了老厂房的故事与山城的景致,是对度假酒店别样体验的勇敢创新,也希望这个改造项目能为当下的都市更新和旧房改造带来一些参考意义。The exclusive view of Yangtze River is for guests staying in the guestrooms.Transformed from old factory, Hotel Mont Mirage possesses the antique glory of old house with the good landscape. It’s an innovation and inspiration for resort hotel to provide different experiences to guests and the industry. We also hope that this reconstruction project will bring some ideas for the current urban renewal and renovation of the old house.项目名称:《嫁衣的裙摆》-重庆印制一厂山鬼精品酒店改造设计方:寻常设计事务所项目设计&完成年份:2018年(设计)2019年(竣工)主创建筑师:林经锐设计团队:林经锐,王坤辉,温馨,吴文权结构设计顾问:沈秀将,姚松柏项目地址:重庆 渝中区 后街影视产业园占地面积:1928㎡建筑面积: 4300㎡摄影版权:Tim Wu,赵奕龙,盒子传媒主要材料:混凝土、钢、金属网、玻璃、外墙漆、大理石Project Name:Wedding Dress-Chongqing Mont Mirage Hotel DesignDesign Company: USUAL StudioDesign Year: 2018Completion Year: 2019Leader Designer: Lin JingruiDesign Team: Wang Kunhui, Wen Hsin, Wu WenquanStructural Design Consultant: Shen Xiujiang, Yao SongbaiProject Location: Chongqing, ChinaFloor Space:1928㎡Building Area: 4300㎡Photo Credits: Tim Wu, Zhao Yilong, Box MediaBuilding Materials: Concrete, Steel, Metal Net, Glass, Exterior Paint, Marble