
室内设计 · 居住空间



2021/09/04 3987

关于设计:注重空间的高品质与设计感,将优雅高贵的质感结合艺术装饰,巧妙的呈现出奢华格调与简洁大方的视觉享受,同时带来了繁复含蓄的感官体验。村上春树在《地球的迷失法》中写到:“在不怎么出名、看起来不怎么好玩的地方,努力找出有意思的事情、尽可能享受那里的生活。在不怎么样的平凡人生中,努力找出快乐而活下去。我相信,这两者的态度之间,几乎没有区别。”生活不在别处,在日常的点滴之中,而这里,就是找到自己最舒服的生活状态。阳光透过轻纱,从窗子外洒满整个客厅,四季更迭。艺术的跃动之美赋于空间之上,也将空间的和谐之美融于生活之中。The sunshine is shining through the gauze, from the window to the whole living room, the seasons change. The beauty of art's Leaping is endowed with space, and the harmony of space is also integrated into life.走在空间中体验家的仪式感,一切井然有序。精致的家居物品透露出高品质的生活追求,以及由内向外可见的风景,这样的居住空间,是秘境,是理想,更是生活。Walk in the space to experience the ritual sense of home, everything is in order. Exquisite home furnishings reveal the pursuit of high quality of life, as well as the landscape visible from the inside to the outside. Such a living space is a secr