
室内设计 · 办公空间



2021/10/29 4075

时代变革,反应在办公空间设计方面的改变: 注重交流,关注内心。 办公空间,不仅仅是办公场所,也是每天八小时的生活。 打造一个共享的工作空间概念设计,开放、灵活的空间侧重激发更多想象的可能... The Times Change, reflects in the office space design aspect change: pays attention to the communication, pays attention to the heart. Office space, not only the office space, but also eight hours a day of life. Create a shared workspace concept design with an open, flexible space focused on inspiring more imaginative possibilities... 过廊透过尽头的玻璃窗巧妙引入自然光。原木材质是这一区域的材质基底,与石材质、自然光交织 Through the gallery, through the glass window at the end, subtly introducing natural light. The raw wood is the material base of this area, interwoven with stone and natural light. 屏风,将空间巧妙地阻隔开,令空间保持独立性的同时,又借着屏风的透视性互通互连。 Screen, will space cleverly separated, so that the space remains independent, but also through the