
室内设计 · 公共空间



2021/10/30 4163

“摆脱一切你不需要的设计语言会带来一种激动人心的东西——纯净。” ——卡马雷 "Getting rid of everything design language you don't need will bring an exciting thing —— pure." —— Camare 凡心所向,素履所往,生如逆旅,一苇以航​。 Where the heart goes, where the grain walks, life is like an adverse journey, with a reed to sail 此项目定义为非商业运营的私人会所,业主是一位成功的职业女性。“努力到无能为力,拼搏到感动自己”是她的座右铭。平时事务繁杂、终日忙碌于喧嚣城市,内心对宁静的追求却始终未变,偶僻一处、独处、暇思、放空或三两好友促膝闲谈,或读一本书、放飞感受、经纬各异。忆已逝的巨擘与未来的智慧、审视看得见的对方和看不见的自己。 This project is defined as a non-commercially run private meeting house, and the owner is a successful professional woman."Hard to be powerless, hard to move yourself" i