
室内设计 · 展示空间



2021/11/20 4128

以现代艺术和东方意境之底蕴为主题,打造一个承载中国历史文化价值的典范空间。整体设计涵裹传统中国的端庄,运宋人丘壑,泽唐人气韵,并结合现代人的审美视角,对古典内蕴重新审视,主动寻回设计的文化自觉意识。 With modern art and Oriental artistic conception as the theme, to create a model space bearing the value of Chinese history and culture. The overall design contains the modesty of traditional China, carries the people of Song Dynasty and the charm of Tang dynasty, and combines the aesthetic perspective of modern people to re-examine the classical connotation, and actively seeks the cultural consciousness of design.