室内设计 · 酒吧/会所空间



2021/11/22 3541

隐于自然、引入生活 ,呼吸属于自然的气息,感受心之疗愈,尽享人间余闲。 设计师从物质的纯粹质感中,获得自然符号的灵感。木质几何单椅,青葱绿植,或是抽象装饰画,为赤裸的留白空间,注入自然的温柔与生机,为每位体验者创造了一个放松的私人庇护所,将人文情怀与空间质感相融合,达到功能与美学的完美统一。 Hidden in nature, introduce life, breathe the breath of nature, feel the healing of the heart, enjoy the leisure of the world. Designers derive inspiration from natural symbols from the pure texture of materials. Wooden geometric single chairs, green plants, or abstract decorative paintings inject natural tenderness and vitality into the bare blank space, creating a private shelter for each experiencer to relax, integrating humanistic feelings and spatial texture, and achieving the perfect unity of function and aesthetics. JIN SPA将原本相对密闭的空间改造为更通透的结构,空间外立面的线条边界,摒弃传统硬朗线条带来的生硬感,选择柔和轻盈的圆角曲线,室内的光影倾泻而出,勾勒着建筑的边界与线条,一股暖意在建筑与店外观者间徜徉,延伸着曲面带来的视觉广度。 J