
室内设计 · 居住空间



2021/11/23 3547

设计说明 夫妻是96年知名淘宝店主,,一儿一女一家四口人,无风格定位希望设计师打造舒适明亮的家。 Husband and wife are well-known Taobao shopkeepers in 1996. There are four people in a family, one son and one daughter. They have no style positioning. They hope that designers can create a comfortable and bright home. 本空间的面积为200平方米,整体风格为极简风格,是设计师Mark的作品,这个空间没有采用过的配色,主要是通过用白色来营造光亮的空间感,很显高级。 The area of this space is 200 square meters. The overall style is minimalist. It is the work of designer Mark, this space has not used the color matching, mainly through the use of white to create a bright sense of space, very high-end. 采用创新的设计理念,白色的空间加上合理的布局显得很大气,空间给人一种舒适宜居的感觉。 Adopting innovative design concepts, the white space and reasonable layout are very big, and the space gives people a comfortable and livable feeling. 纯白客厅,利用白色的线条和低饱和度的色调结合。白