大器空间 | 万科星汇里 · 墅质奢居

室内设计 · 居住空间



2021/11/23 3236

大器空间 | 万科星汇里 · 墅质奢居 ​在艺术作品中,最富有意义的部分即是技巧以外的个性。 —— 林语堂 In the work of art, the most meaningful part is beyond the skill of the personality. 艺术居所 Art  Residence ━ 艺术是一种普世的语言,而家是储存精神的容器。虚灵与写实、对立与融合,将艺术的点滴渗入生活之中,以美学态度去解读生活品格回归到生活本初,是我们需要重新探究的方向。 Art is a universal language, and home is a vessel for the spirit. It is the direction that we need to re-explore that virtual spirit and realism, opposition and fusion, permeate art bit by bit into life, interpret life character with aesthetic attitude and return to the beginning of life. 从雅致极简的室内空间出发,在现代生活的语境下,重构温州都会的经典审美与艺术风尚,呈现一处融合精英圈层文化的生活场景。家居装饰融入几何造型美学,提升整体空间的时尚度,结合艺术雕塑打造空间舒适性与实用性的同时强调个性化品味。 Starting from the elegant and minimalist interior space, under the context of modern life, the classical aesthetic and art style of Wenzhou metropolis is r