
产品设计 · 珠宝设计



2022/10/05 3745

作品以古诗“离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。”为意境进行设计。金珠象征草的根部,向上萌发出生机勃勃的小草,小草以中国传统纹饰卷草纹为原型进行设计,整件作品寓意中国文化的复兴和生气。 The work is based on the ancient poem "Leave the original grass and grow withered and prosperous every year. The wildfire will never burn out and the spring wind will blow again." Design for artistic conception. The golden pearl symbolizes the root of the grass, sprouting up and sending out vigorous grass. The grass is designed based on the traditional Chinese decorative scroll grass pattern. The whole work implies the revival and vitality of culture.