
室内设计 · 居住空间



2022/11/06 2915

“它”算得上一处屏障,在闹市里隔绝喧嚣和浮躁,又同时鲜存着日光、静夜与能量,暮色里暖灯烁烁,是心灵的慰藉港,是无数人安放自己、孕育未来的家。 It is considered a barrier , isolating the hustle and bustle and impetuous in the downtown , and the sun , quiet night and energy , the dusk is the port of comfort for the soul , the home where countless people put themselves and give birth to the future . 本案将黑白灰作为主基调,线条元素的勾勒使空间更具骨感。大面积的纯色饰面,加之良好的采光基础,室内通透感得以最大化体现。 The case takes black , white and gray as the main keynote , and the outline of the line elements makes the space more skinny .Large area of pure color decoration , coupled with a good lighting foundation , the sense of indoor transparency can be maximized reflected . 客厅中,皮质沙发搭配细格纹毯巾,布艺褶皱自然垂落,如巧克力般浓郁丝滑,浅咖、灰粽色系由此延展,更柔和了空间原本的高冷气质。 In the living room , leather sofa collocation fine plaid blanket , cloth art fol