
室内设计 · 娱乐空间



2023/09/08 3045

丝毫不千篇一律,且又秩序得舒适。完完全全的将lady与酷结合在一起。 There is no uniformity at all, and the order is comfortable. It completely combines lady and cool. 当考虑颜值与功能并存的时候,它便被赋予身披彩霞的骑士,游走在你我心灵之间触碰灵魂。 When considering the coexistence of appearance and function, it is given the role of a knight in rosy clouds, walking between your and my hearts and touching your soul. 如红酒般的暗红和拉丝的金属竟然如果绝配,如你的意中人披荆斩棘穿越而来。 If the dark red like red wine and the brushed metal match perfectly, your lover will come through all the difficulties for you. 柔和而自然的纹理带来了宁静和平和,一束光划过,如瞬然的流星,此刻如此美好。 The soft and natural texture brings peace and tranquility. A beam of light passes like a meteor, which is so beautiful at the moment. 流畅的线条引领而至,细节上创造了微世界,里面充满故事与绮遇。 The smooth lines lead to it, creating a micro