
室内设计 · 商业空间



2023/09/25 3200

“每一個全案,都是私人定制。任何一個保持愛美之心的人都不會變老。”—卡夫卡 “every whole case, is a private customization.Anyone who keeps the love of beauty will not grow old.” —Kafka △客厅 步入客廳,靜雅的牆體為畫布,光影為素,刻畫迷人而純粹的藝術光感,隱隱約約中傳達自然與優雅,似有若無的韻律給人以無限遐想。簡單俐落的線條分割和諧中詮釋極致細部,大面積的開窗設計, 引景入室,讓生活貼近自然,讓生活更從容自如。 Stepping into the living room, the quiet and elegant wall is canvas, light and shadow are elements,、depicting charming and pure artistic light,Vaguely conveys nature and elegance, as if there were no rhythm, giving people infinite reverie. Simple and neat line segmentation andharmonious interpretation of extreme details,The large-area window design leads the scenery into the room, making life close to nature and more leisurely. △餐厅 餐廳是家的覈心,開放式的餐廳設計,讓生活多姿多彩,這裡不僅是一家人三口的三餐之所,更是傳遞溫情之處,三餐有味四季有景。 The restaurant is the core of home. The