
视觉传达 · 包装设计



2021/08/17 5678

妙音禅茶系列包装设计Packaging design of MY ZEN TEA妙音禅茶系列视觉设计以极致简约的表现手法,辅以各式强调触感的高级材质,还原品牌崇尚减法、安心制茶的理念,整体设计恪守传播现代东方美学的理念,恢弘大气,令人印象深刻。The visual design of the MY ZEN TEA series uses an extremely simple expression,and the name MY ZEN is the nickname of Avalokiteshvara.The packing design supplemented by various high-quality materials that emphasize the touch and focused on the concept of the brand which advocates minimalist design and concentrates on making tea. The overall design adheres to the design concept of disseminating modern oriental aesthetics, which is magnificent and impressive. 妙音禅茶分为牡丹、寿眉、银针三大系列,分别以奔放潇洒的书法字体呈现产品名称,用矢量化网点制图(打印),以凹印烫金工艺印制包装封壳,包装底壳以橙黄、翠绿、湖蓝三种极具格调和活力的颜色,与封壳形成视觉反差,极具视觉对比与冲击力。MY ZEN TEA is divided into three series: peony, long brow, and silver needle. The product name is presented by chic calligraphy font. The packaging package is printed by gravure stamping process, and Vectorized dot printing is used. The orange yellow, emerald green and lake blue are very stylish and vibrant colors, which form a visual contrast with the cover's color and has a strong impact.包装内包的棉纸采用云南手工制造的彩色棉纸,质朴温润,呼应无污染的产茶环境,浑然天成。棉纸正面中央以产茶地丘陵的等高线结合以奔放潇洒的书法表现的产品名称,展现出生动鲜活的视觉感受,令人印象深刻。The cotton paper wrapped in the packaging is made of Yun Nan hand-made colorful cotton paper, which is simple and gentle, echoing the pollution-free tea production environment, and it is very naturally.It is impressive to show the vivid visual experience. The center of the front of the cotton paper is lined with the contours of the hills where the tea is produced, combined with the product name expressed in unrestrained calligraphy, which is impressive to show people the vivid visual experience.