
室内设计 · 展示空间



2024/10/29 2657

本案面积不大,但想更多层次的表达甲方在展厅中要呈现的原木工艺细节。设计师为之改造了原有的楼梯结构,用胡桃木原木打造了整个挑空区的弧形楼梯及胡桃木护墙。 The area of this case is not large, but we want to express the details of the wooden craftsmanship that Party A wants to present in the exhibition hall at a higher level. Designer Anne Yang renovated the original staircase structure and created a curved staircase and walnut retaining wall for the entire overhanging area using walnut wood logs. 艺术 / 展厅 / 原木 ARCHITECTURE 原木的立体感与层次丰富且生动,并以多种几何层次,逐一呈现。用了大面积镜面不锈钢去拉伸空间感,并表现了多角度的美感。 The three-dimensional sense and layers of logs are rich and vivid, presented in various geometric layers one by one. We used a large area of mirrored stainless steel to stretch the sense of space and express the beauty from multiple angles. 胡桃木质感温润,拾级而上,灯光耀目,灿若繁星。 The wa