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2024/10/31 2715

不缺席的爸爸、快乐的妈妈、肆意成长的孩子,这大概是一个家最幸福的状态吧。幸福不是什么都拥有,而是想要的恰好都在身边。哪有那么多来日方长,唯有好好珍惜当下。给孩子最好的礼物是相爱并爱他的父母,比礼物更珍贵的是一家人在一起的幸福时光。 杨降先生说“人生真正的幸福,不过是灯火阑珊的温暖和柴米油盐的充实,生活最终总是归于平淡,无论人生还是爱情,平平淡淡才是真。”人间烟火气,最抚凡人心。 A father who is not absent, a happy mother, and a child who grows up freely are probably the happiest states of a family. Happiness is not about having everything, but having exactly what you want by your side. There is no such thing as a long way to go, only cherish the present moment. The best gift for a child is to love and cherish their parents, and what is more precious than a gift is the happy time spent together as a family. Mr. Yang Jiang once said, "The true happiness in life is nothing but the warmth of dim lights and the fulfillment of daily necessities. Life always returns to simplicity, wh