夕又 • 顶复私宅实景 | Quiet Dwelling

室内设计 · 别墅



2023/09/03 3234

“万物静观皆自得,四时佳兴与人同。”惟静,才能观照万物,对于人间生活充满盎然的兴致。我们在塑造空间时围绕着静谧栖居的理念。选择自然质感的材质,窗间光影微妙的强弱变化,家居随性的摆放,赋予它舒适惬意之感。屋主人精心收集培育的植被、石器、茶具为空间注入有温度的灵魂。夜幕慢慢降临,小灯微醺,心闲如静水,让人深课陶醉在了其中。 All things are contented in contemplation, and the four seasons bring joy and harmony to people. Only through stillness can one observe all things and be full of vitality in human life. We revolve around the concept of peaceful living when shaping space. Choosing natural texture materials, the subtle changes in light and shadow between windows, and the casual placement of the home give it a comfortable and comfortable feeling. The homeowner carefully collects and cultivates vegetation, stone tools, and tea utensils to infuse a warm soul into the space. Night slowly fell, the small lamp was slightly tipsy, and the heart was as idle