
室内设计 · 居住空间



2021/09/24 4465

设计说明项目地址 | Address:马尾名郡项目面积 | Area:300㎡设计时间 | Time:2020.12设计主创 | Designer:林耀良主要材料|Main materials:岩板 涂料 KD板 大理石 不锈钢你如果问我,人们应该如何生活才好呢? 我说,就顺着自然所给的本性活着,像草木虫鱼一样。房屋的设计也应是如此,从空间出发,从功能出发,从生活出发……If you ask me, how should people live? I said, live according to the nature given by nature, just like grass, trees, insects and fish. So should the design of houses, starting from space, function and life冬日里的热气,大概是最温暖的风景。The heat in winter is probably the warmest scenery.生活的色彩与个性在于对自我的理解,我们所能做的,就是将你所喜爱的自我用空间表达出来。The color and personality of life lies in the understanding of self. All we can do is to express your favorite self in space.间在设计上摒弃了冗杂的修饰成分,强调美学与实用价值。屋内每一个存在,都是经过细致斟酌后的人性化设计,值得在今后的生活中被细细品味。The design of space abandons the miscellaneous decorative elements and emphasizes