
室内设计 · 居住空间



2022/10/01 3722

项目地址 | Address:福州·淮安半岛泊宫 项目面积 | Area:160㎡ 设计时间 | Time:2022.7 设计主创 | Designer:林耀良 主要材料 | Main materials:艺术涂料 岩板 冲孔铝板 奢石 金属构件  “家",从来不是简单的空间构成,而是构建空间的过程中,梳理自己对于幸福的定义。让灵魂与空间契合,寻找到心灵的归属岛屿,记录下流动的岁月。"Home" has never been a simple spatial composition, but combs its own definition of happiness in the process of building space. Let the soul fit into space, find the island of the soul, and record the flowing years. / 溯游从之,寻找心灵的岛屿 Dark and warm visual fantasia 用精致的家居艺术品连接起艺术与生活两个世界,以简练的方式徐徐展开。 Connect the two worlds of art and life with exquisite home art, and slowly unfold in a concise way. 材质的连贯性让现代与精致元素形成的张力,带给空间更多的层次,在日光轻盈的游离下,空间返璞归真。The continuity of materials makes the tension formed by modern and exquisite elements bring more layers to the space. Under the lightness o