
室内设计 · 展示空间



2021/11/23 3231

空的空间 Empty space 本案是一个女性服饰精品空间,在构思设计过程中,设计师希望把客户张科斐本人精神上的思想跟空间融为一体,人即是空间、空间即是人 ,当人走进空间的同时就能感受到主人的一种思想。 This project is a boutique space for women’s clothing. In the process of conception and design, the designer hopes to integrate the customer Zhang Kefei’s spiritual thoughts with the space. People are spaces and spaces are people. When people walk into the space, You can feel a thought of the owner. 我们要做一个空间,一种气质或者一种境界,能够将空间本身与空间主人联系在一起。设计的时候业主说:“清淡且丰饶、寂寥且温暖、放肆且克制。”整个空间以白色为基调,表达一种空的空间,我可以把任何一个空的空间,当作空的舞台。众人都有表演欲,好的空间应该让人变成舞者,同时也是观众。你在那里展现的同时,你也看着其他人展示。 We want to make a space, a temperament or a state, which can connect the space itself with the space owner. When designing, the owner said: "light and rich, lonely and warm, presumptuous and restrained." The whole space is based on white,